FS - P

FS-P AIRCUPS is our proposal of a solution known on the market for years. Universal pneumatic actuator, which is mounted above the spring. After inflating, it allows you to lift the vehicle by 40-50 mm. In this way, we can perfectly combine the characteristics of driving a vehicle on a threaded suspension with the possibilities offered by the AirRide suspension.

FS-P AIRCUPS are distinguished by the fact that they are designed in a way that allows the system to be used in bad weather, because the most important cooperating elements are fully protected against sand, water or mud.

Before you decide to install FS-P AIRCUPS, read the technical conditions.




FS-P AIRCUPS require filling with compressed air with a maximum pressure of 145 PSI. For this purpose, we can use a dedicated FS-P AIRBOX power supply. The device contains a built-in compressor, a set of control valves, an air tank, a pressure sensor and a control module. FS-P AIRBOX can power one or two axles of the vehicle. Its operation is very simple and is done using a wireless button. A single press raises the car, a double press brings the car back to the driving height. Using the FS-P AIRBOX greatly speeds up the assembly time and makes the installation easier so that everyone can handle it.